Sunday, January 31, 2010

Thomas Mitchell Explains the Constitution

Thomas Mitchell, editor of the Las Vegas Review-Journal, gives a straightforward, simple, and historically and philosophically accurate explanation of the U.S. Constitution.

He writes, for example,
One persistent online commenter insisted recently, "Since you brought the issue up, again, Mr. Mitchell, please point out to me language in the Constitution that permits a corporation to petition the government for redress. And since there is no such language, how can such a right be claimed by corporations?"

The Constitution does not permit. It does not dispense rights. It grants limited powers to the various branches of government and then provides checks and balances. Such as Article 1, Section 8: "The Congress shall have power to ..."

The Bill of Rights does not grant rights, either. Those 10 amendments limit the power of government to encroach on the rights presumed to belong to all of us.
Rights come from nature, not government.

Look at how the Bill of Rights is phrased. None says the state hereby grants these rights to its citizens. It should more properly have been called the Bill of Prohibitions.

"Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech ..." The freedom is presumed and Congress shall not interfere.
Bravo, sir.

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