Monday, December 14, 2009

Progressivism Infects Mathematics Instruction

"The social life gives the unconscious unity and the background of all [the child's] efforts and of all his attainments. ... I believe, therefore, that the true centre of correlation of the school subjects is not science, nor literature, nor history, nor geography, but the child's own social activities.
I believe that the study of science is educational in so far as it brings out the materials and processes which make social life what it is."
I believe, finally, that the teacher is engaged, not simply in the training of individuals, but in the formation of the proper social life.
John Dewey, My Pedagogic Creed (1897)
From a recent column by Michelle Malkin, we glean more of Dewey's Progressive education legacy.
[from a review by James V. Rauff of Millikin University] Rethinking Mathematics: Teaching Social Justice by the Numbers "is divided into four parts.

The first part is devoted to a broad view of mathematics that includes historical and cultural implications.

Part Two includes nine classroom narratives in which teachers describe lessons they have used that infuse social justice issues into their mathematics curriculum. Included here … an AP calculus lesson on income distribution.

The third part contains three detailed classroom experiences/lessons. These include a physical depiction of the inequitable distribution of the world's wealth, the results of a student investigation into how many U.S. presidents owned slaves, and a wonderful classroom game called 'Transnational Capital Auction' in which students take on the role of leaders of Third World countries bidding competitively for new factories from a multinational corporation. ...

Short lessons, provocative cartoons and snippets of statistics are scattered throughout 'Rethinking Mathematics.'

A partial list of topics includes racial profiling, unemployment rate calculation, the war in Iraq, environmental racism, globalization, wealth distribution and poverty, wheelchair ramps, urban density, HIV/AIDS, deconstructing Barbie, junk food advertising to children and lotteries."
The Progressive virus has now infected even mathematics instruction and the patient is suffering from a high fever. If not reversed, and soon, permanent brain damage will inevitably result.


TheWayfarer said...

Und remember Comrade...2 and 2 only make 4 if Der Holy Mother Schtaat doesn't say otherwise!
*taps desk with blodgeon in time to the words*

TheWayfarer said...

You should see my college algebra book: Oozing with global warming propaganda and wealth-redistribution formulas.
Gorby coming to U.S. with his hand out wasn't convincing enough that socialism is a fraud; they're gonna hafta get their ass kicked again by reality!