Friday, July 30, 2010

Anarchists Block Arizona Hwy

An anarchist group claims responsibility for stringing a banner — composed of tires, glass shards, and more — across I-19 in Arizona.
After Judge Susan Bolton blocked the most controversial parts of SB 1070, essentially taking out all real power from the bill, a group known as "Freedom for Arizona," committed an act of domestic terrorism by spreading out over 15 tires connected by rope and covered in tar, a banner, brown paint and shards of broken glass across I-19 in Arizona, a busy interstate with a 65 mph speed limit covering approximately 70 miles between Tucson and Nogales.

This action not only stopped all traffic flow, but could have killed innocent people in the process.

The goal of the tires, glass and paint was to stop all deportations back to Mexico as well as stopping all capital flow to damage the economy. The banner placed across the interstate read, "Stop All Militarization! The Border is Illegal!"
I don't know that I'd call this terrorism, but it's definitely loony. If it weren't so sick it would be funny.

Wars in the Middle East are the reason for mass emigration from Mexico? Land legally purchased over 150 years ago from Mexico and incorporated into the United States for a century has an illegal border?

These people are not only lunatics, they are - as is usual with this type - indifferent to facts. With luck the perpetrators of this horrific stunt will wind up in jail for reckless endangerment.


Ken said...

Hoo, boy.

I got a little project for you, Anony Von Trollnard.

Ask Juan Goodgovernment McAmnesty, Lindsey Grahamnesty, and George "Pale Green Pants With No One Inside Them" Voinovich (just for starters) just who it was scorching the phone and fax lines when the GOP leadership tried to help ram through "comprehensive immigration reform" a few years ago under Bush. It was mainly their own voters. Voinovich practically squirted tears. Again.

As an anarchist myself, I am sick to the gills of leftist nihilist libertines like those in the story Jeff links giving me a bad name. What they did may not be terrorism, but it is arguably aggressive force.

TheWayfarer said...

SPO101, must be some potent dope you're smoking! Incase you haven't caught on, communism doesn't sell on this thread. If you're lazy, dishonest and irresponsible enough to think your well being is someone else's responsibility, you belong in jail with the rest of the criminals.

Dig deep enough in this story & you'll doubtless find La Raza, Brown Berets or other racist and subversive Mexican terrorist groups working, but let's keep ignoring this ever-growing threat and continue to waste billions fighting Israel's war instead!